Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tips For New Hires

When entering the job market, college graduates usually have a good sense of what type of work their getting themselves into. They know the basic essentials that are fundamental for doing their job correctly BUT does a newbie necessarily know how to keep their jobs? Well if they will when they’re done reading this!

We all know who is the first to go when it comes to layoffs in today’s job market… New hires… Listen up!

Office politics really do exist and like any real politician college graduates must learn how to L.I.E. (Loyalty, instincts, and effort)–yes, everything you’ve heard is true. Office politics DOES exist and it is NOT pretty.

Exercising LOYALTY to the right people can really help to stay in the race. When it comes to downsizing, employers turn into vicious members of the house and senate ready to impeach. Don’t be the quiet employees in the corner, abstaining from all the votes. Don’t be afraid to be classified as right winged or left winged just jump in and express your opinion. Surely someone will agree with you. Strike up a good friendship with someone high up the ladder. (Don’t look at this as something superficial, it’s highly likely that this is someone achieved in your field that you really do admire and would want to emulate)… It’s far easier to fire the loner than to fire one of the gang. That’s why you should learn how to interact with people. When it comes to promotion with competition, even your running mate could try to run over you to get that promotion. In fact this is almost always expected.

Don’t associate yourself with any lobbyist. INSTINCTIVELY, choose your words and representations of your ideals because any personal discrepancies between employee and manager can be ground for (in their minds) a dismissal of your services. Think about it, when everyone is pushing for a bill how often does the guy or girl in charge use vetoing power?

Even if you are the most charming employee ever, you should still make valiant EFFORTS to practice CYA (cover your----). Keep all emails. Back them up. Have everything in writing. If a potential problem or situation comes up, document it as fully as you can. Don’t trust your memory. If someone accuses you of something so bad that it could cost you your job (I’ve seen it happen), then you can calmly pull out all the information you saved and effectively CYA. Not to mention, the accuser will look like a total idiot (I’ve seen that happen too and it is SWEET!)

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